Sports & Spinal Clinic

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Important COVID-19 Update

We are closely following all advice received from the Department of Health and World Health Organisation to manage the COVID-19 outbreak. At this stage, there have been no confirmed cases amongst our patients and staff, so we are continuing to see patients in the clinic.

The health and safety of our patients has always been our priority, so we enforce strict hygiene procedures on a daily basis- including the disinfecting of all surfaces between patients and ensuring our physiotherapists have antiseptic hand rub available to them at all times. However, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus we have implemented some additional standards to help minimize the transmission of the virus in our community. These include:

  • Adjusting our cancellation policy and insisting that unwell patients, or patients who have recently travelled or been in contact with someone who may be infected, cancel/re-book their appointment
  • Supplying hand sanitising stations at each door
  • Staggering the times of group classes to limit interpersonal contact
  • Changing the layout of our reception waiting area to limit interpersonal contact
  • Implementing further restrictions to patients attending the clinic to minimise interpersonal contact, a full list of which can be found here.

We understand things are rapidly changing and we will continue to make further adjustments as necessary. We thank you for your understanding and will update you if there are any future changes to our clinic’s opening hours at this time.

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