Updated COVID-19 Response (July)
In response to the recent announcement that the Melbourne area will be returning to Stage 3 “Stay at Home” Restrictions for the next 6 weeks, we feel we need to clarify a few important points about continuing physio at our clinic.
Firstly, we are still open and we are still seeing patients.
However, as per the advice of the Victorian Government and the DHHS, we are continuing to employ strict hygiene and social distancing standards in addition to our regular hygiene routine to ensure the well being of our staff, patients and wider community.
These standards include distanced, limited seating in the waiting area, continual disinfecting of surfaces and equipment between patients, and adjusting our group classes and time slots to limit interpersonal contact as much as possible.
While we are doing what we can at the clinic, there are also a few things we ask of anyone who attends:
- Most importantly, if you are unwell or are exhibiting any symptoms of sickness- DO NOT attend your scheduled appointment. We have temporarily relaxed our 24h cancellation policy so anyone who is unwell will not be penalized for rescheduling their appointment at late notice.
- We also ask that you attend your appointment by yourself where possible to limit the amount of interpersonal contact in our waiting area and consultation rooms.
- All those who enter the clinic will be required to use hand sanitizer upon entry into the clinic, and upon entry/exit into our exercise space.
- We will also be contacting all patients the day prior to their appointment to confirm their attendance, and to confirm they are well. If we are unable to contact a patient via either phone or email then they cannot attend their appointment.
We know how difficult these times can be for everyone and we express our deepest thanks for understanding the changes we have implemented to maintain the safety of our community. As always, we will provide further updates as necessary via our website and Instagram, @claytonphysiotherapy
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